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"A Challenge To Mankind " Future Underground


"Construction Block"

The "Construction Block" has a standard size of 1000 feet X 1000 feet inside length and width. The Height Determined by the
Height of the Train Domain Height and The Car Domain Height . All construction is built inside this area throughout the
underground. It is necessary for more than one reason. Most important is that a person driving a car would always
know what to expect when he makes a turn into a tunnel. Another is so that all blocks will always fit
together. And Pre-Fabrication would be very important with this Standard.



The Construction Block for the Car Domain Attaches to the side as shown in the drawing.
The same Construction Block Is used In The Train Domain As well For Train Stations and Train Uses,
But Built Just Above The Car Domain Construction Block.
Both Are Built Together, One Just Above The Other.
Exceptions Could Be made For Train Yards Built Away From The Interstate Channel.

At The City Unit, In Both Train and Car Domains, Parking Lots Are Needed. So The Train and
Car Domain, Have Parking Lots Built In Them At The Rear Entrance To The City. There are
A Total Of At Least 6 Blocks (Three Train Domain, Three Car Domain) At The Rear Entrance To
The City Are Needed, For The Enormous Parking Needed For The City Activity. Those 6 Blocks
Will Occupy 3000 feet across the back of "The City" Train and Car Domains and extend of coarse
1000 feet out from the Rear Entrance. This does not include the extra 50 + feet needed for the
Local channels that connect them.

Four More Parking Blocks Will Also Be Needed On Both Sides of "The City" Also
(Two Train and Two Car Domains), Except One In Car Domain Will Be Needed For The
Truck Dock Unloading Supplies.

The Front Entrance To "The City" will have "Construction Blocks" That Will Be For Train
Stations (Two Used, One Each Side Interstate Terminal) In Their Domain and Just Below It will Be
Bus Stations In Their Domain (Two Used, One Each Side Interstate Terminal), and Next To
It extended further out from "The City", Another Block for The Airport Terminal.

The Airport Terminal Will Move Passengers To and From The Airport Underground
By Way Of The Local Channel Car Routes To The Terminals,




The City.

Along side The Bus Station Blocks will Start Business Blocks (Two Used, One Each Side
Interstate Terminal) That Travel Along The Interstate Channel Next To The City. Then
Housing Can Start further Out Away from The Hustle and Bustle of Business.

The Entrance To Each Of The Housing And Business Blocks Gives Each One A Kind
Of Serenity Of It's Own.

Even Though There is a Minimum Height Above Sea Level of 50 feet below the Interstate
Channel, There Is no Limit On How High a Interstate Channel Can Go. It Must Connect
To The Interstate Channel At The City Though. The City Has A Required Minimum of
From The Bottom of The City To Sea Level Of 300 Feet.

Both "The City" and The "Interstate Channel" Requires A Minimum Of 50 feet between
The Top Of Them To The Surface. This Gives A buffer protection, From Many Types of
Violence and Problems, Hurricanes, Himacanes, Tornadoes, Violent Storms, Atomic Blasts,
Heat, Cold, Expansion, Contraction, Environment Stability, Insect Bites Not There
(Such As Mosquitoes). This Would Greatly Improve Power Comsumption under The
Earths Surface. Science Could Make A leap Far Forward In Mass Transit.






World Gospel Network
504 Lone Elm Dr.
Carl Junction, Mo. 64834
1 (417) 781-9571
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