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The Interstate Channel With Crossing Interstate Channel


"Major Intersection"

The Outer Circle marked "Top", is a " Interstate Single Channel Circle "
made here too, except it doesn't cross The Top Portion of the high speed
Major Interstate Channel (Trains or Cars), or any high speed Interstate Channel.

Top Train Channel (Upper and Lower) and The Top Car Channel,
of The Major Interstate Channel Are Not Crossed, Their High Speed
In Either Direction Is Not Slowed By Traffic Lights or Intersecting Interstate
Channel That Is Connecting. Unless a train or car is coming on the enter
lane, from the side entrance. Where the diagram shows top and an arrow
shows this turn onto The Major Interstate Channel.

All Traffic That Is Traveling On The Outer Circle From The Intersecting
Interstate Channel Will Merge On To The Major Interstate Channel.
The Top Train Channel (Upper and Lower) and The Top Car Channel on
The Single Interstate Channel Labeled "Top".


Both The Bottom Train Channel and Bottom Car Channels
of "All Intersecting Interstate Channels" turn onto this Channel.
That Includes Major Interstate Channel Trains and Cars That Are
Bottom Channels.

No Approaching Bottom Traffic of Trains or Cars Go Further In Than The
" Interstate Single Channel Outer Circle ", labeled as

The Reason is to Detour all Bottom Channel Traffic so Top Channel
Traffic Of Trains and Cars can Pass-Thru The Bottom
Channels To Get To The Other Side of The Interstate
Channels Intersecting The Channel.

On the Bottom Channel Traffic, As the Trains or Cars Travel The Circle
They Exit The Circle The Direction They Want To Go.

For Trains or Cars In The Top Channels, They Must Take The Down
Ramp To Pass Thru The Now Empty Channels.

Top Train Channel Trains Go Down Train Ramp and Passes Thru The Bottom
Train Channel and Then May Enter The Bottom Train Channel or Follow The Train
Ramp Back Up and Exit At The Exit Desired, In Top Train Channel.

Top Car Channel Cars do The Similar Thing, Except They Follow Car Ramp
Down and Pass Thru Bottom Car Channel Then Enter Bottom Channel Car
Channel or Follow Car Ramp Back Up and Exit on desired Exit In top Car


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504 Lone Elm Dr.
Carl Junction, Mo. 64834
1 (417) 781-9571
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