Coming Next ?

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The beginning was in
2004, and then the complete reworking of the CD we began in 2008 now
completed. We have already
contacted several Denominations/Organizations with volume pricing.
Also a few select groups hoping to get volume orders to get our DVD
in production.
The amount of
information we had on the Disk was more than a CD could hold, so we
were forced to use a DVD for production or hold back information. We
thought it best not to withhold anything that we wanted to place in
the DVD.
You can learn in the DVD
what the Holy Bible tells us who the Muslim Countries are that will
invade Israel. With the Muslims Rioting in Gaza Strip, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iran,
Egypt, Lebanon, and others, with terrorist groups already surrounding Israel in
Lebanon (Hezbollah), Gaza Strip (Hamas), Egypt (Muslim Brother
hood), and most likely Al-Qaeda in Libya.
This is probably
Prophecy Fulfilled in action before our eyes. I expect Russia to
join these Muslim Terrorist and countries quickly ahead and attack.
all Hell is about to break loose in the World I Perceive in just
moments ahead.
I have tried to place in
this DVD information to give people Hope to live and see Jesus begin
His Reign on earth if they miss the Rapture of The Church.
In the DVD is
information from the time from creation up to now in the present day
and then beyond to Judgment Day and then beyond to God's Covenant
with those after that still will live on in this World in the flesh
and blood bodies.
Then information about
what Christians Really Are? In Eternity?
Contact Us here At World Gospel Ministries For Volume Pricing.
Beginning at 100 DVD's up to 50,000 DVD's or more.
A small break of cost at 25, 50, & 75 DVD's
$29.95 and Free Shipping In Continental U.S. for
each single copy
Your Check or Money Order To:
R. Martin
504 Lone Elm Dr.
Carl Junction, Mo 64834 U.S.A.