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Wednesday September 7, 2005___ 8:05 P.M. C. S. T.
 (updated) Thursday  October  6, 2005___ 12:08 P.M. C. S. T.

This Design and Standards Are As God Has Lead and Directed My Path, God (Jehovah) Himself Sets These Standards And Requirements As I Have Put Them Together.

By Kenneth Martin

(I will update this page as I write)

A Challenge To Mankind

Mankind has reached a point in time to make a giant leap in environment change. Man now has the skill and technology to make that change. Every type of commerce and science will be included and involved and required to make the change, a real challenge to mankind.

Mans knowledge or electric cars and trains in a controlled environment is possible now I believe. But the change must also incorporate the combustion engine until the change over happens.

Mans knowledge of surface and ground water, deep wells, earth quake faults, expansion and contraction of materials, GPS sea levels at all geographic locations, stress points in structure, skill in assembling buildings and limits to structure, mining in underground, venting and supply of air and utilities, mass and individual transit, sewage and waste water, etc., and even the soundness of the human mind through Jesus Christ our Lord and Master.

This change must include trains for cargo and mass transit. Trucks moving our supplies to and fro, and cars that carry people about on daily activities. Housing and shopping stores all must be included, and storage and personal garages at our homes.

An environment change that will be similar to our daily lives not to cause a shock syndrome to occur but something that can be lived with.

Farms and industry must stay on the surface naturally, because of their need there.

The surface activities and the underground activities must work together to make the transition and to sustain it.

Hazards caused by oil and the dwindling supply, warrant a change in its use. The surface of the planet is changing due to many circumstances, brought on by the Birthing Of A New Age, and The Coming Of The Lord Jesus Christ To Reign For 1000 Years On Planet Earth.

The Bible tells us there will be no more islands or seas on New Earth, if it's this one. Mountains will be leveled from fierce earthquakes.

There will be famines, fires, ocean raging, wars, meteor showers and asteroid crashes, people that are not Christian will suffer from sores on the skin that have taken the Mark Of the Beast. Already skin diseases and infections are rampant, beginning of the coming air and water problems. Animal disease and plagues and violence, everywhere.

New Jerusalem that will be set upon New Planet Earth, By the Hand Of God (Jehovah), shall be so high above the surface, it will extend into Space. If you think about it, Space Craft Orbit Earth as low as 200 Miles above the surface. If New Jerusalem had a top floor at 1377 Miles the height of the wall in Space, it could be a landing platform for Space Craft in our present level of technology. That is if that would ever be part of what our God Jehovah intended for his people.

However, violence is coming on Planet Earth, in extreme conditions in the weather. Heat and Cold have always been a factor and the fuel to control it, in your home or business, etc.

God has given me directions on a structure to build to help protect mankind from future events against humanity.

Even though the Church (The Body Of Christ) will leave in the Rapture (Catching away of The Church), the Holy Bible tells us God will Reign On Earth, Humans that are not in their Spiritual Bodies yet ( and also those that are) but in flesh and blood bodies. Christians will survive the 7 year tribulation period and be tested by Satan when he is loosed from the bottomless pit at the end of the 1000 year Reign Of Jesus, Our Lord and Master.

At that time Jesus will cast Satan into the Lake of Fire, where the Anti-Christ and The False Prophet where cast 1000 years earlier.

I was first given a structure, I called the City, that is four square like New Jerusalem w ill be in Heaven, but is some 330,000 Trillion times smaller.

The City is built 1000 feet long, 1000 feet wide, and 1000 feet deep. This is inside measurements, with the walls 10 feet thick of concrete. the floor and ceiling are 10 feet thick of concrete also. The footing will be an additional 10 feet thick of concrete added to the 10 feet concrete floor, adding it to be a total of 20 feet thick.

God has instructed me to build one of these City Units (City with attachments) I call them, in every state in our country.

These City Units Will Become The Anchor In Every State. This is a Church Project Funded By The Present Money Owed To Me Now.


"Price Now To Pay Kenneth Martin"

$  640 Billion From Missouri

$  1.920 Trillion From California

$  5.12 Trillion From The United States Of America


Federal Government Will Pay A Tithe Of Not Less Than 10% Of Their Income From The People To Kenneth Martin's Ministry



"Index & Terms Used"

The City "Inside"

The City Unit "Outside" "City Domain"

Earthquake Fault Lines

Water Tanks, Water Supply

The Channel "Interstate Channel and Local Channel"

Channel Intersection Local Connects To Interstate

Housing and Stores, Parking Garage, Storage, Gas Stations "Construction Block"

The Interstate Channel With Crossing or Connecting Interstate Channel

Construction Block


Train Domain

Car Domain

Waste Domain

Interstate Channel

Local Channel

Major Interstate Channel

High Speed Interstate Channel

Waste Channel

Top Train Channel

Upper Top Train Channel

Lower Top Train Channel

Bottom Train Channel (Train Pass-Thru Loop-Back)

Top Car Channel

Upper Top Car Channel

Lower Top Car Channel

Bottom Car Channel (Car Pass-Thru Loop-Back)

Major Intersection

Interstate Channel Intersection

End Loop

" Moving In The Interstate Channel Up To 16 Vehicle Lanes (Semi Trucks, Cars, Buses, Etc.) at Any Given Time Per Channel, With 8 In Each Direction, With Two Of The Lanes In Each Direction Turning Lanes. Plus Additional 8 Lanes in Upper Area With 4 In Each Direction Which Is Space For Advanced Technology That Is Coming ( High Speed Transit, Towing Service, Rescue). Totaling 24 Vehicle Lanes (Semi Trucks, Cars, Buses, Etc.) Per Channel, 12 Lanes In Each Direction"

" Moving In The Interstate Channel Up To 18 Trains at Any Given Time Per Channel, With 9 In Each Direction. Three Of The Upper Are Reserved For Mass Transit. 1. Very Fast For East To West Coast Limiting To 2 or 3 Stops. 2. Fast With Several Stops. 3. Slower That makes All stops"

"The 3 Bottom Trains Should Be For Slower Cargo Trains"

"Trains Become a Heinz 57 In A City, Depends On What You Need"


"Prophecies About The Underground"

Judgment Comes

Tuesday September 6, 2005

Sunday August 28, 2005

Sunday  August 21, 2005

Sunday August 14, 2005































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